Monday, August 17, 2009

Clean Up My Own Backyard

I've been going back and putting each week's cartoons (Mon-Fri) in order and deleting the individual blog posts that way new readers (and my beloved regulars who want to revisit) can follow a week from top to bottom instead of scrolling down and backtracking up. For those of you who followed last week, I added Thurs and Fri's toons to that series. Take a look.

The downside to deleting single blog entries: I lose most of your wonderful comments. But hopefully you'll continue to post or re-post (if you thought you had a witticism that shouldn't—nay COULDN'T—be missed).

I've only completed organizing back to March I believe so bear with me. It's a little time-consuming in that, as I copy and paste the html code between two open windows, I run the risk of deleting the existing cartoon before I complete the transition, so I have to go slow.

Once again, thanks for visiting, becoming a jIMBOCILE and leaving comments.

By the way, I'm nearing the 1 year anniversary of jIMPERFECT and have posted—to date—over 250 cartoons. Pretty good I think.


John said...

pretty good? try FANTASTIC. congrats on your almost one-year anniversary. anything special planned for anniversary week? i'm stayin' tuned.

JIMBO said...

Hi John,

Thanks. As for the anniversary week, I haven't begun to even think about it. I'm already behind this week. I lost my little notebook where I jot down weekly strip ideas and dialogue. Not devastating, but a definite bummer.