Friday, January 16, 2009

Hate Mail Friday






Anonymous said...

Wait, I love the hideous orange promotional towel!

JIMBO said...

Thank you, Widow. I just went back and changed a bit of dialogue on panels 2 and 3. Wanted a bigger, dorkier build-up. Didn't have the stamina to think straight at 1 a.m.

Anonymous said...

snide observation devoid of brilliance:
is the toilet paper stuck to his shoe part of his hero outfit?

JIMBO said...

Seraphine, I'm glad you noticed the toilet paper. No, it's not. But thanks for commenting.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall a bright orange promotional must have been after my time. I do snuggle up on a Luanne Rice towel from time to time, and I may or may not be wearing a Lee Child t-shirt as I type this...